The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) report that risk factors for child abuse and neglect include the social isolation of families and parents' lack of understanding about children's needs, child development and parenting skills. The CDC also reports that protective factors for families include a supportive family network, support for basic needs, nurturing parenting skills, and communities that support parents and take ownership in preventing abuse.
Abuse and neglect during childhood can have harmful effects that last a lifetime. The ultimate goal in child abuse and neglect prevention is working to prevent it from happening in the first place. The issues surrounding child abuse and neglect are complex, often stemming from unhealthy relationships and environments.
Supporting parenting skills and family relationship approaches can provide parents and caregivers with support while encouraging positive parenting skills, and teaching child development and behavior management.2 These parenting skills have the potential to protect children from family violence and the long-term consequences that violence can bring. 3, 4
The vast majority of children in the service area (98%) have parents reporting that they are coping well (very or somewhat) with the day-to-day demands of raising children, and they have a source for emotional support with parenting (86%).1
Coping cards
Each card gives you an activity to try when your feelings get really big or overwhelming. The activity will give your body and your brain a chance to catch up to the feelings and help you know why you feel the way you do.
Cada tarjeta te ofrece una actividad que puedes probar cuando tus sentimientos se vuelven realmente difíciles de manejar o cuando aparecen todos a la vez. La actividad le dará a tu cuerpo y tu cerebro la oportunidad de ponerse al día con los sentimientos y te ayudará a saber por qué te sientes así.
Conversation starter cards
Choose a question from the card deck to start a fun conversation with your child or teen!