Hood County for Healthy Children (HC4HC)

Vision: Hood County is a community where children are safe, secure, healthy and have a strong sense of self-worth.
When the coalition formed in 2011, coalition members chose to address child abuse prevention as their topic of focus. They do this by implementing programs to support positive parenting. Protective factors for healthy families include a supportive family network, support for basic needs, nurturing parenting skills, and communities that support parents and take ownership in preventing child abuse1. Positive parenting supports a child's physical and social-emotional development and lifelong well-being. Childhood development affects academics, eating habits, relationships, and risk behaviors. Positive parenting is impacted by a parent's knowledge, as well as their social, economic, & environmental factors.
1The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. (2019). National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention.
Strategic plan objectives
- Foster collaborative approaches and partnerships to promote children’s health.
- Build community awareness through information and resource sharing to promote children’s health.
- Strengthen knowledge and skills for children and families that improve children’s health and well-being and empower families to thrive.
- Educate and support providers and community leaders who will share knowledge and skills with children and caregivers within their reach.
- Support organizational practices and policies that promote child wellness and safe families and children.
Our focus areas
- Parent Cafés - an opportunity to discuss parenting successes and challenges, engage with others, share ideas and learn proven parenting techniques and tips within a small intimate setting. Facilitator trainings are led by a licensed professional to teach community members about the Parent Café model and offer presentation tips.
- Child Abuse Prevention Month - in April, community partners come together to raise awareness of child abuse and encourage local organizations to support positive family environments.
- School Counselor Roundtable - allows for discussion and networking of Hood County Counselors to discuss specific needs of the community they serve.
Coalition resources
Join our coalition
- Attend coalition meetings to receive updates and learn about volunteer opportunities.
- Plan, facilitate or attend community-driven events.
- Help develop and maintain positive key messages about child abuse prevention and parenting support.
Questions or comments
If you have any questions or would like more information about our program, please email Callie Anderson.